countertop contractors near me

When people arrive in our kitchen, the first thing they see (except the food) is the countertop. It is the focal point of our kitchen, and we spend most of the time in the area, preparing food, and sharing stories. It can even be an instant desk for working. And as the countertop is one of the most important work surfaces in a home, and despite its durability, it can suffer costly damage or even needs to be replaced. 

Did you know that though countertops are hard surfaces, they can crack under pressure? Yes, so before putting in heavy objects, think twice as it is one of the main reasons why you need to replace your countertops. Also, putting heat-generating appliances directly on the countertop can also cause it to crack as there are changes in the temperature. However, when your kitchen countertop has seen better days, it’s time to get a new one. Ask professional contractors in countertop installation near me for the best advice on how to take care of kitchen countertops.

Thinking about a new, shiny countertop in your kitchen is exciting. You’re probably imagining how many photos, Instagram reels, and TikTok videos you will make on your new countertop. But before you get too excited, there are steps that you need to take to prepare for the installation of your countertop. Read below on how to prepare before, during, and after the installation process.

Before installation

First, decide what material you would want for your countertop. For instance, if you want a softer material, you can go with marble. However, if you’re looking for durability, then quartz is a popular choice for your kitchen. We know it’s hard to choose what fits best in your kitchen and that is why you need to check out countertop contractors near me for expert advice on what will work in your space.  

It is important that the kitchen space where your new countertop will be placed is clear from any mess to make it easier for the installation crew to work. Remove your existing countertop before measuring for the new one to ensure that it will fit perfectly in the space. Also, kitchen appliances next to the installation area should be moved out of the way. The cabinets and drawers also need to be emptied to avoid dust from getting all over your items. Any furniture, table, and rugs should also be moved or taken to another room to clear the entryway for the installation team to easily maneuver their way into the area where the new countertop will be installed.

As it is crucial for the installation team to work without delay, it is best to put all the things you need for the day in another room to avoid going in and out while they are working. This includes forks, spoons, knives, plates, glasses, and even your coffee maker if you need a fresh cup of joe during the day. Also, keep your children and pets away from the work area as heavy, unsecured stone could be dangerous. Make sure that cooktops, faucets, and sinks that will be mounted on your countertop are available on-site to avoid delay in the installation. As it will get dusty during installation, put a plastic cover on the areas that you will not remove.

During Installation

When the installation crew arrives, it is best to clear the closest and most direct entryway to the kitchen to avoid damaging anything since the crew will be hauling in a large slab of stone which is heavy. Also, you can expect that there will be a lot of drilling, cutting, and gluing thus, if you have small children that like their afternoon naps, it is ideal to put them in the farthest room or get them out of the house as the installation could take hours of constant noise. 

Also, on the day of the installation, open the kitchen windows to let the fumes and dust out from the installation and turn off the air conditioner to avoid the dust from spreading all over the place. The installation typically lasts about 4 hours depending on the size and complexity of the kitchen design, and other factors. If you have a smaller kitchen, it will typically be finished within 2 to 3 hours. However, you still need to ask experts in countertop installation near me.

It also depends on the material that you have chosen and how long the installation will take. Granite countertops, for instance, need to be sealed, unlike Quartz and solid surface countertops that don’t need to be sealed. If you are pressed for time in your kitchen remodel Melbourne Fl, you can ask the crew for an estimate on how long the actual installation is before the installation so you can plan ahead. 

After Installation

Voila! You can now marvel at your new countertop and enjoy the shiny, new surface in your kitchen. But before celebrating, you need to know that countertop adhesive takes about 24 hours to cure. Thus, it is not ideal to immediately use your kitchen countertop. When the adhesive fully cures within 24 hours, you can then hook the plumbing back and use the sink. 

We know you’re excited to clean every inch of your countertop. However, it is important to know that harsh cleaning products that contain ammonia and bleach are bad for stone and granite countertops as they can lose their luster. Thus, it is ideal to stick to the usual mild soap and water to clean it. 

As a new countertop is a big investment, it needs to be of the highest quality that can last a long time. It also needs to be properly installed to ensure that it will not suffer any damage for a long period of time. Thus, you only need to trust professional kitchen remodel Melbourne Fl contractors which have the expertise and knowledge to give you the countertop of your dreams. You need to check out countertop contractors near me to know the difference.

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